The Traveling Sisterhood: Super Duper Games: Fun and Educational Christmas Gifts! #Discount #HolidayGiftGuide

Super Duper Games: Fun and Educational Christmas Gifts! #Discount #HolidayGiftGuide

We love Super Duper's games!  Every time we get a new one in the mail, the kiddos and I are so excited to open it up and play! 

The whimsical lyrics of The Twelve Days Of Christmas can get a little dizzying with pipers piping, maids a milking and a partridge in a pear tree! If you have a child who struggles a little with language, vocabulary or speech, December 25 is the perfect day to unwrap Word Joggers, Go For The Dough or Turtle Talk!    Plus Super Duper Publications has so many other educational games for practicing just about any topic you could imagine.  Here is our list of our 4 tried and true favorites: 

Magnetic Mealtime Game
My kiddos kept getting their food groups mixed up!  I needed something like this.  The game is fun and simple, needing no help from mommy (except to check it quickly at the end).  They had fun learning their food groups with it and now they're pros.

Magnetic Telling Time Game
Like the Food Group Game, this one is also magnetic.  My children have also been practicing telling time.  They play this game and quiz each other.  It's fun and simple!  And there's just something about magnets that kids love. 

Hopping Frogs Board Game
My 6 year old son's favorite!  He practices those hard P, B, T, K, G, and F sounds when he plays.

Story Prediction Fun Deck
This one would be a wonderful stocking stuffer! My daughters especially like it, and it comes with this really cool "super secret decoder"--shine the light on the card and it will light up the correct answer.  I love the self-checking aspect here, and my daughters love seeing if they can predict the right answer. 

Each game or activity lists right on the website what skills it improves, so you’re sure to get the item that works on the specific skill you would be hoping to target with your child.  I chose some products that were meant for kiddos from K-3rd grade.  All of them were perfect for my 1st and 3rd graders!  We reviewed  Grammar Gumballs Board Game, Ask & Answer "Wh" Bingo, and MagneTalk Match-up Adventure Kit.  

We've been having so much fun with all of them but our favorite is the "Wh" Bingo.  It's really, really fun!  It's a Who, What, When, Where, and Why Bingo Game!  The parent or teacher asks a "Wh" question and kiddos have to quickly decide what the answer is and find the picture on their game board.  

Our first winner!
We also had a lot of fun playing Grammar Gumballs.  Grammar Gumballs is a sweet game for teaching and reinforcing basic grammar skills in young children. It targets nine of the early morphemes and grammatical structures. Children with language and learning difficulties often leave these structures out of their speech. Grammar Gumballs includes five levels of difficulty for each illustration. The game was pretty easy for my kiddos but it was good practice using correct grammar.  What I especially liked about it is that there are 6 levels so you choose which question is right for the child's level. 

Excited to play

Choose wisely!

You don't eat them, silly!
Last up, we played with The MagneTalk Match-up Adventures Kit The first time we used it, we opened it up while we were babysitting.  The 2 year old I was sitting especially liked it.  This game is perfect for following directions, giving directions, storytelling, improving vocabulary, and a whole lot more.  It does say it's recommended for pre-K through 5th grade but my own children lost interest in it pretty fast.  It seems much better for preschoolers or perhaps Kindergarteners.  Children can either play games with it or can create scenes and "go" camping, swimming through the ocean, visiting the grocery store, taking a picnic, and traveling to outer space. 

What I really like about all of these games is that they included a reproducible workbook with a CD-ROM to make homework and group activities a breeze.  That way, you can combine homework with the games.  It's great! 

15% off everything!  Use code DDV8NE33 until Dec. 20th. 
Plus, shipping is always free on all orders of $20 or more for anywhere in the US and Canada!
Which game do you think sounds best?

Special thanks to Super Duper for providing us with this review opportunity!


  1. they have some pretty cool things-- I love the story predictrion game-- and this is a great discount too--thanks

  2. I like the Story Prediction game.

  3. Anonymous4:48 AM

    I am putting in a third vote for the story prediction game :) Love Super Duper's stuff!

    Amanda K

  4. I love the telling time magnetic game. We're having trouble with time.

  5. The telling time games would be so useful at my house!

  6. I think the Story Prediction Fun Deck would be great to help kids think things through.

    slehan at juno dot com

  7. The Story Prediction Fun Deck sounds really fun, and educational!
