The Traveling Sisterhood: Hayashi's Design Line for the Most Gorgeous Locks

Hayashi's Design Line for the Most Gorgeous Locks

Hayashi Hair and Tash Eyes
I had a blast Sunday!  Hubby had to work after church, the kiddos had their day off (which meant my day off!) and were playing so well together outside that it seemed the perfect opportunity to take pics for my Hayashi Hair Products review.  My hair was already gorgeous from using the products the night before and my hair was so pretty for church.  In my hair pics below, I used the Triple Play Mousse and  the Hi Shine from Hayashi’s System Design line. The mousse is wonderful--gives my  hair the perfect hold and allows it to stay soft.  The Hi Shine is a perfect compliment to give it shine.  The best thing is, you really need only a tiny amount of each product to get nice results. 


How To Get The Look
My hair is naturally wavy, so I simply put the products in after my shower and scrunched my hair upside down (makes for a better scrunch--gravity and all that or something).  I don't brush my hair except with my fingers in the shower (for wavy or curly hair, brushing causes breakage) and I never towel dry which causes extra frizz.  After scrunching, I went to bed and woke up to gorgeous locks a la Hayashi.  I added a bit more of the hi shine in the morning and a bit of hairspray and I was good to go! 


Special thanks to the wonderful people at Hayashi for providing me with these products to review!


  1. Thanks for the honest review! Your hair looks great! :)

  2. What a neat product! Your hair looks great! Thanks for sharing.
