The Traveling Sisterhood: Lucy's New Favorite Dog Box: PawPack Unboxing with a Discount!

Lucy's New Favorite Dog Box: PawPack Unboxing with a Discount!

The Rundown 
Box Type: Dog
Includes: 5 full sized items 
(you choose grain free or non-grain free & small, medium, or large dog)
Cost: $26.50 first month with code TSISTERHOOD and $31.50/month thereafter
The Value of This Unboxing: $57.12 value (based on Amazon's lowest prices)

This box is comparable to Lucy's previous favorite which costs $45 a month for the same amount of items.  PawPack has great items, costs $14 less a month, and is more customizeable than the other boxes.
Lucy loves subscription boxes maybe more than I do!  She loves getting mail and couldn't wait to dig into her PawPack!
Here she is doing her unboxing. The box included 5 full-size items in a wide variety--treat, a toy, a bone, a (really nice) dog dish, and a tug-of-war rope.
She grabbed the BBQ flavored GoGoback Strap Chew right out of the box (I took the plastic off before letting her do her "unboxing" as I knew she would go straight for this one.  She loooooooves it! I should say "loveD" it as she ate it up that afternoon. Sourced from USA cattle, it's full digestible. Value: $1.99

I love this bowl! It is the exact same shade of green as my kitchen. No, my kitchen is not lime green, but the camera did a funny thing here and made it glow. ;) Value: $18.99

Treats or Toppers, these are perfect as I always top Lucy's dry food with some type of yummy goodness and the ones I had were almost gone. Value: $8.49

The April box was Earth Day and so included a really cute toy for my Lucy!  You pull his branches and he squeaks.  Lucy ran off with this guy after eating her bone and hid him under my desk... the little spot where she hides all her most special things. Value: $16.49

You can never go wrong with a tug-of-war rope for my wild little dog! She may be cute, but don't let her fool ya. She's got a wild side. This rope is especially cool b/c it flosses your pet's teeth with every chew. Value: $11.16


  1. Thank you for sharing this box!

  2. Your doggie looks so sweet!!

    1. Thank you! She is the sweetest ever!

  3. Donna6:19 PM

    Signed up!!

    1. The Traveling Sisterhood11:33 PM

      Great, hope you love it!
