This is a sponsored post for SheSpeaks/Walmart.
Do you know what this means, my friends?! It means that on Thursday morning, I was on my very last roll of paper towels... and it was almost gone! As a busy mom of 4 and the wife of a husband who goes through paper towels like they're candy (er... he doesn't eat them, but you get the drift) this was no bueno! |
At least it would have been no bueno if the FedEx man hadn't come soon after I noticed the minuscule paper towel roll. He delivered the biggest box ever to our front porch! Wal-Mart saves the day with the help of our friendly, neighborhood FedEx man! My daughter was thrilled, not for the stuff as 9 year olds don't get excited for Tide and Bounty and Magic Erasers, but for the box! She took it straight to the room to turn it into a refrigerator. |
And now I have a happy under-the-sink cabinet stuffed to the brim with paper towels! Wal-Mart's new section is so convenient because you can quickly and easily shop for kitchen, laundry, cleaning, baby, and bathroom supplies with the click of the mouse. Shipping is free, too, on orders over $50. It's my new favorite way to stay stocked up. I also get my Dawn, Magic Erasers, toilet paper, Puffs, razors, Tide detergent, and Always there. Talk about "avoiding the Oops"--my hubby doesn't exactly love when I ask him to rush to the store because I forgot I was out of those at the last minute! |
Saving time and money is something we all love to do! I didn't realize until very recently that I could actually shop for all of my household essentials at Walmart’s
everyday low prices this way! It gives me more time to not only Avoid the Oops, but spend time with my family and friends! Who wants to be at the grocery store when you could be having fun with your favorite people?! |
And now you have my best tip for Avoiding the Oops! Do you have an Oops moment to share? I'd love to hear it! |
We use Amazon Prime so that's how we avoid "oops" moments, but I'm going to share this post with my MIL cause she loves Walmart! I can think of plenty of oops moments, especially with diapers! Toilet paper also always seems to get us..that's definitely not a pleasant "oops" lol!
ReplyDeleteThis looks so convenient especially when you have forgotten something at the store.